Friday, November 20, 2009

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?

you must check your pc by this steps:

1_go to my computer

2_right click on drive c(system)

3_choose properties

4_click on tools then you will find error check click on it, youwill find 2 commands choose them all

bye friend

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?opera browser

download internet explorer again

how did u get to asking this question if ie crashes?

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?microsoft windows internet explorer

get firefox mozilla. You will sooner or later so get it now and dump IE.

IE is doing too many thngs in the background
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha how cute. first off, don't use internet explorer, its horrible. use it just one more time to download and install firefox. secondly, error reports do exactly nothing. never have, never will. i have never ever spoken to anyone who reported an error in windows that was later fixed. just ignore them, just like microsoft does.


Disable Error Reports. (Win XP)

Eliminate those pesky little error dialog boxes by placing your cursor over "My Computer" icon, right click and choose "Properties". Click "Advanced", click "Error Reporting" and then choose "Disable error reporting.
reinstall it.

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